Passive Nearfield Studio Monitors with Amphion Amplifier £1,750
Stereo Power Amplifier £120
2 x 250watt 10 Channel Power Mixer with Digital Effects £200
4 Way Headphone Distribution Amp £75
2 x 150 watt Mono Amps in 19" Rack Format £150
10 IEC Outlets and Front Panel Illuminators £175
Balanced Audio Distributor 2 x available @ £30 each PRICE REDUCED
1980's Valve Guitar Combo Formerly Owned By Spencer Davis SUMMER SALE PRICE ...
Stereo Close Reference Amplifier £120
Stereo Close Reference Amplifiers 2 available £95 each
Stereo Distrbution Amplifier £50
Pair Of Peavey EuroSys Wedge Monitors £150
Stereo power amplifier Rated at 45 watts into 8 Ohms Price £375
Stereo Power Amp £50 PRICE REDUCED
2 x 10" Bass Guitar Cabinet £300
250 Watt Stereo Bass Amp £300
6 Watt Valve Practice Amp Reduced to £290
400w Powered Mixer £200