This special Cadac has 40 input modules and 10 groups, the unique feature is that the modules can be used as inputs, outputs or groups. It has similar electronics to the transformerless Cadac J Series consoles with the superior Mic Pre-Amps and extremely musical parametric EQ. the desk comes with external GPO patchbay.
Info : 180 cm long x 95 cm deep. It has 10 metered audio groups and 4 metered aux outputs. It has a remote patch-bay fitted heavy duty GPO B Gauge sockets. The EQ is the same as that used on the A Series and J Series consoles, 3 band fully parametric with variable frequency High Pass filter, same superior mic pre-amp which can also be used for line level signals. Highest quality components inc Penny & Giles faders.
These Cadacs were designed for theatre use and are great when used with a DAW, they can work with an analogue mulitrack or digital Radar recorders but not as well as when used with a computer based recorder, they provide Neve quality audio but cost a lot less.
Quotes from 2 of our Cadac owners :
QUOTE #1 by Thomas Vingtrinier, Studio Sequenza, Paris. :
"If I had to describe further what the CADAC console is about for me, I would say it offers the perfect balance between an open / detailed sound and the analogue warmth and fullness of classic consoles from the 80’s. .
Studio Sequenza own 2 consoles, a Neve 8232 and a Cadac A Series.
QUOTE #2 by Mateo, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
"10 years ago I worked on the big Cadac console and was amazed with headroom and colour"